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Update date from one of our linked charities in Madagasca

04 October 2024 14:45



Here, we are very well but we are on waiting for a rain. People in Antananarivo are suffer because of the lack of good  water to drink !

 After the celebration of our 36 years of Priesthood, we decided to continue our work both in our  own  Parish and in another Parishes. We will give more training to the young people about agricultural activities ; also about the  Christian spirituality…

Here are some update pictures after the Event of the 22nd September 2024 . On the pictures ,you can see that we start with new hope. The three cows are all pregnant, the two sows also will give some piglets this week. The fish farming are growing very well Also the hen will  start to give eggs next month…the vegetables and fruits trees  are very fruit full. So, we are very hopeful for all the coming days. May we say that all glory to God for His goodness to all us.

Also ,we are very happy to blessed by your generosity and kindness…May God reward you allindeed.

This is a update news from us about the 02 fishing pools.They are completely finished with 1,000 fishes into them.We are very pleased and appreciate very much your help ! Thank you very much to those who have contributed to this initiative! May God reward your kindness and generosity....!

“……Is it not sharing your food with the hungry ......taking the homeless poor into your house. Clothing the naked  when you meet them.  And  never  evading a duty to your kinsfolk ? “Isaiah58:7

At this moment we have a good rain !We all hope that the crops will be goo! We have enough water! So, we are on manage  02 new fish pools (fish farming ). We will need to provide 1000 small fishes to start…


Nowadays, our country is living in a difficult situation. We’ will elect a new PRESIDENT on the next 16th November 2023 .But People has divided in TWO parts.… probably a civil war! But at church the number  of the new Christians is growing. We always remember  you all  in  our daily prayers as we expect  your Congregation to do so … ! Our farming project shows continual progress, obviously, thanks to your contribution, annual giving and continual prayers. We are able to help the other parishes in our diocese by giving  some training about our farming projects success… They appreciate this contribution and wish so much to continue this good way indeed. Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours.   “ For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also “ Mat.6 : 21. We remember you all in our prayers, in our mind and of course in our heart !

" It is the celebration of the 120th anniversary of St James ‘church .  In our parish, we have THREE churches : St John’s – St Trinity church –and St James. We  have been working  in the Parish since St James celebrated its 85th anniversary. Last Sunday , the 3rd of September 2023,The Bishop visited us and celebrated this great event with all us. There was a confirmation of FIVE young people. Lots of people (Children ,young people and old persons …) have  come and  enjoyed  so much this special day. We have prepared  some good meal freely for lunch ."
"We have achieved   the LENT with   great hope and victory because GOD has formed all us HIS PEOPLE for HIMSELF and we shall proclaim HIS praises ! ALLELUIA…! ( Isaiah  43 :21 ) Here, we are celebrating   the EASTER DAY.
We wish you a happy and Joyful  EVENT."

Once more, we send our grateful thanks to each of you. Some generous people have given us some financial  support  anonymously beside the brothers and sisters in Christ from the church…

May God reward your  kindness and generosity. Truly : “ For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also “ Mat.6 : 21

Last year, after we have received your donation ;immediately  we have   opted to  continue to work  efficiently  as usual and  have decided to ameliorate our projects both in the livestock and in  the agricultural activities.

Those are the first good  results without comment:   (Please, have a look at the attachment )

1 – Our congregation happy during the  last Christmas 2022 after receiving several gifts.

2  and  3 :The fir trees that we have planted in 2021 and  in 2022.

4 – We have planted rice in the valley.

5 – 6 : Fields of our maize and cassava.

7 – 8 : Grass for the livestock.

10 – 11 : The livestock are healthy  (cows )

12 : The geese are growing up very well ,too.

13 : We have bought  a very nice  new  race of sow (Petrin )

14 – 15 – 16 : The sow gives some nice piglets that Eveline takes care …

We have used wisely your donation .We expect that you all will be pleased and appreciated our effort in doing well according to your good will.

Please, would you continue to remember us and our common activities in your prayers  !Thank you very much indeed.


Greetings from all us: HALF YEAR 2022

Nowadays,  Madagascar our country is in a never seen crisis :Many things have impacted our country’s life and every Malagasy citizen, especially in our daily life:

  • Climate change (Drought and flood which often happened.)
  • Covid 19 still remains and kill people slowly.
  • Petrol price increases ( 1 liter cost £ 1,50) and causes a never seen inflation ,consequently the value of the Malagasy money  tumbles down and our purchasing power is becoming insignificant !

Insecurity  is horrible  both in urban and in rural areas (Robbers, Killers, Stealers, Kidnapers…).The Government is in  several  great difficulties  and is afraid of new riot …Here, everybody  is in  a panic  situation ! Everything  are suddenly becoming  too  expensive for all us!


“ For how can I bear to see the calamity which is coming upon my country ? Or how can I bear to see the destruction of my family ? “ Esther 8 : 6


Prov. 29 : 18 Where there is no vision people perish .… but man comes out to his work and to his  labours until evening. Psalms 104 : 23 

Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting. Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance.

Always do your best  ; what you plant now you will harvest later .


Due to these circumstances, we cannot create any other new projects . But the previous ones are held,continued  and  improved in terms of quantity and quality.

In the agricultural enterprise : We will improve our skills, we will use the  lombricompost and regular wateringfor   fruit  trees. We will use some insecticide…

In the  livestock  enterprise : We will ameliorate their main  food for having enough good quality of products… (meat – milk –eggs  …) We will use good Vitamins and some  useful  veterinary medicinal products…


“ Freely you have received, freely give “ Matt. 10 : 8

In what ways is GOD asking us  to give to HIM, so that others  may benefit ?.

To sum up, we will need more prayers and  some help to improve the products by providing enough good  food and more medicinal products.

For the fields :£1000 and for the livestock : £1000………………Total : £2000

           “  For where your Treasure  is , there will your heart be also “ Mat.6 : 21

Some update photographs to show you the blessings of God and the results of your prayers and your financial supports in our last  Harvest  time. 

We always remember you all , both in our mind and in our daily prayer.

Warmest  Regards.

Fr  Georges and Eveline.

All the Congregation Antananarivo MADAGASCAR