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Methodist Church response to violent disorder. Please pray with us.

06 August 2024 14:45

Those with hate in their hearts will never have the last word. As communities reel from unrest and disorder, Methodists will continue to work with our ecumenical and interfaith partners, as we join in clearing up, restoring trust and building communities of love, in which people can live in peace.

 As a community of love, we pray together:

God of love,
We pray for your Spirit of peace to move in our communities,
that those who are targets of hate might be safe
and that people of good will might work together in love and respect.

We pray for your Spirit of healing,
that those who grieve, might be comforted
and those who are injured might be made well.

We pray for your Spirit of hope,
that those who despair might see a way ahead
and those who live in fear might find sanctuary and freedom.

Soften the hearts of those motivated by hate
and help us all to love our neighbours as those made in your image.
In Christ’s name.


You can read the full statement here.